

What’s Included

Monthly Class

As a member, you can select one class every month from our list of public workshops. These include special monthly classes as well as our beloved classic workshops. Simply book online to reserve your spot each month. We’ve designed the membership price to be crazy good for you (non-member classes average $120/class).

Monthly Happy Hour

As a regular, you’ll get to attend our monthly happy hour in the woodshop (last Friday of the month). Grab a beer, connect with other members, and geek out on sawdust like never before.

Access to Shop Time

Can’t make it to a class or have a personal project your working on? Don’t worry, you can apply your membership to a supervised hour in the shop. If you need extra time you can always book extra paid hours.


What’s the fun of being part of a club without a way to show it off? As a member, you’ll get a welcome swag kit with a Wood Thumb t-shirt, stickers, and other goodies.

Advanced Tools

We’ve got many, many tools including lasercutters, ShopBot CNC machines, lathes, and much more. You’ll have access to classes on these machines and have access to booking time on advanced tools with the proper training.

Other Perks

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

